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After the IEP: Ways to Get Financial Help

After the IEP: Ways to Get Financial Help


If you are a parent with a special needs child, you know how expensive life can be. Deciding to spend money on a service for your child can sometimes mean not using that money on another need for your family. There are a countless number of choices you must make on a day-to-day basis, and there are times when the decisions become overwhelming. How do you know when you are doing the right thing? And even worse, sometimes it seems as though there are not any good options, or the choices seem too complex and daunting.

Considering these realities can be very difficult. Below is a list of resources available to help you through. Hopefully, you can utilize them to find ways to create a sense of order in your life and maintain control over your finances as you care for your child and prepare him or her for adulthood.

IHSS (In-Home Supportive Services)

So you know about SSI, but did you know about IHSS? If you care for your disabled child, the In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) program will compensate you for that care so your child can remain safely in your own home. IHSS is considered an alternative to out-of-home care such as nursing homes or board and care facilities.

Within IHSS is a more intensive service hour allotment called “Protective Supervision”. The Protective Supervision service is for adults and children who, due to a mental impairment or mental illness, need constant observation 24 hours per day to protect them from injuries, hazards or accidents. Many of the behaviors that can cause injury, hazards or accidents in children with special needs are wandering, eloping, darting away or climbing. Families may also require additional care support such as respite and specialized day care, which can be accessed through the Regional Center system.

Regional Center

If your child is a Regional Center client, services can be purchased by the Regional Center if they’re needed because of your child’s disability, there is sufficient documentation in your child’s Individual Program Plan, and if there is no other agency responsible for providing those services.

However, each Regional Center is different— and there have been a lot of changes to what Regional Centers will and will not pay in regard to your child. However, it is important to know that decisions must still be determined based on individual need according to the law.


Medi-Cal provides health coverage for qualifying low-income families who live in California. There are many different Medi-Cal programs, so if you are not eligible under one program, you or your child may be eligible under another program. Medi-Cal provides health, dental, and vision benefits to uninsured children.

Tax Deductions

Some expenses incurred while caring for your special needs child can be deducted on your income tax return. And although this is a intricate area to navigate since tax laws change from year to year and include many variables, definitions and requirements, it is worth looking into for your family. Consulting with a tax expert or getting current tax information can help.

Even with various avenues for reimbursement, out-of-pocket expenses can pile up and cause stress in the family. If you feel overwhelmed and you need help, please contact us.

American Advocacy group is on the front lines every day, making positive change happen for people diagnosed with Autism, Down syndrome and a range of diagnoses across the continuum. As a leading advocate for all people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families, and the premier provider of the support and services people want and need, we understand the system and know how to take action in regard to your best interests.


Dial (877) 762-0702 or email us at [email protected].

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